
Aqui coabitam diferentes escolas, num espaço onde a educação ao longo da vida tem o ritmo de uma festa.

Centro aqui há estórias, dedicado à escrita e aos livros, com uma abordagem profundamente humanista, de prazer e de inspiração.

Com o artista plástico Pedro Oliveira, o desafio é viver a fábrica e arte, através de uma experimentação contínua, com diversos riscadores e materiais.

Qual Albatroz vive o livro em todas as dimensões da produção editorial, explorando a letra e o traço, com a leveza que a paixão traz.

A Isabel Mourão abre as portas do seu atelier para um trabalho de aperfeiçoamento técnico e experimentação artística.

Na International Dance Factory, pode descobrir mais sobre o seu corpo e qual é a sua música, bailando com a ajuda de professores certificados, liderados por Sandra Carvalho.


No Cultural Management and Audience Development Center, a programação concentra-se numa oferta de excelência, especialmente vocacionada para os profissionais e os apaixonados da Cultura, Património e Artes.

A oferta formativa estrutura-se em quatro eixos:

  • Empreendedorismo
  • Comunicação e Marketing
  • Mediação Cultural
  • Práticas Artísticas e Desenvolvimento Pessoal

A excelência exige trabalho e dedicação, para além dos limites habituais da academia. Veja a nossa oferta formativa e encontre aqui o seu futuro.


No dia 16 de abril

Mapa – Cultural Management and Audience Development Center

Lugares limitados. O inglês é a língua de trabalho e não há tradução simultânea. Inscrição obrigatória através do email A Cristina e a Catarina terão todo o gosto em esclarecer dúvidas!

Valor da inscrição: 20,00 € (não inclui almoço).

Língua de trabalho: Inglês | 9.30-13.00 / 14.00-17.00

Seminário | Museums, Sense of Place and Atmosphere

Ida Brændholt Lundgaard, Senior Advisor for Museums at the Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces

How is the relationship between atmospheres, environments, ambiance appearances and museums relevant for human development? How does atmosphere inform formation of cultural knowledge creation in a museum context?  

The seminar is exploring exhibition concepts as processes for collective knowledge production. Participants are asked to bring a printed photo from an exhibition that has made an impression on them and prepare a five minutes presentation based on their photo. Ida manage a challenging discussion about the  sense of place and atmosphere, addressing museological paradigms, current educational- and curatorial practice´s as well as debates and discussions on ethics and aesthetics. Action research, turning things upside down and inside out to acknowledge embodied spaces and sensory thought is a part of the seminar´s second part that is basically a workshop for present and future exhibitions.


Ida Brændholt Lundgaard is Senior Advisor for Museums at the Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces. Focus of her work has been on dialogue, interdisciplinary approaches, multi-vocality and inclusion aiming at promoting cultural democracy. She has been Project Managing The Communication Plan for Danish Museums (2014-2007), which is a National Framework implemented to improve the educational role of Danish Museums in Society. She was Head of Education, at Louisiana Museum of Modern Art (1996-2007). In autumn 2015 she began her industrial Ph.D. entitled; Museums, Atmosphere and Sense of Place, based on a partnership between  Center for Sustainable Heritage Management, Aarhus University, and the  Danish Agency for Culture and Palaces. During her career, she has produced numerous publications and given Lectures, Master Classes and Workshops and participated in collaborative project´s nationally and internationally. She holds a Master of Arts; Master of Nordic Literature and Language and Master of Art History, from Copenhagen University 1993.


Seminário | Cultural Democracy and Audience Development

Niels Righolt, Managing Director at the Danish Centre for Arts & Interculture

What do we talk about, when we talk about cultural participation, culture as the game changer, innovation, inclusion, bringing new perspectives to the table … ? Participation for whom? In a time where cultural interaction and collaborative patterens are re:setting the stage and terms as co-creation, co-curation and cultural participation defines the success of arts projects and cultural institutions.

The six-hour seminar analyses how how one-way communication is no longer enough and how a deluge of new platforms, interactive elements and targeted individual messages has replaced the classical communication channels; how institutions are faced with new demands not only in terms of how they communicate but also in terms of what they communicate. Finally, it addresses the implications of this new environment in terms of audiences, cultural participation, co-creation and democracy. The impact on funding and management is also discussed.


Niels Righolt is the managing Director at the Danish Centre for Arts & Interculture (DCAI/CKI), Copenhagen.The centre is a national knowledge, competence and communication centre for international culture, cultural diversity and audience engagement. The centre is promoting cultural democracy and a culturally diverse environment. The centre disseminates knowledge and experience between the country’s artists and art institutions with the aim of developing and strengthening intercultural competences in the arts and cultural life as such in Denmark. CKI perform tasks and screenings, and CKI is responsible for skills development programs, audience and organizational learning, seminars and conferences, and more, as well as running what today is Denmark’s largest and most important portal and news service on arts and interculture.

Niels has a broad background and experience from more than 25 years in the arts field. He has worked as Head of Information, Producer, Artistic Director, Cultural Political Developer, Managing Director and Political Advisor within a variety of cultural institutions and organizations over the years among others as Managing and Artistic Director of the Dunkers Arts Centre in Helsingborg, Sweden, as Chief Curator and producer for Møstings Hus & Byggeriets Hus, Copenhagen and as co-founder of the intercultural magazine and communication bureau Cultures. Niels is part of a number trans-European projects and programs. At present Niels is a board member of among others the national contemporary dance scene Dansehallerne in Copenhagen and the Audience Europe Network. Niels has a background in Literature, Modern Culture & Cultural Communication and Spanish Culture & Language from the University of Copenhagen.